Do you have excess unworn footwear to donate?

National Shoe Drive

Our homeless clients of children, women, men , youth and seniors were so excited to receive their Christmas gifts on Christmas Day. It was wonderful to see such a joyful shift in atmosphere around the shelters as the clients received their presents, and it is only with the support of corporations like you that we are able to make this happen each year.
Lucy B - Peel Shelter & Housing Services

Now that things have settled a bit and we have unpacked all the shoes and boots I wanted to take a moment to say thankyou! We really appreciate the donation and you can be sure they will go to good use. Our homeless kids are in desperate need of footwear.
Lisa H - Youth Without Shelter

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Each fall season donors from across the country ship new footwear to depots in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. Two Ten Canada then reaches out to the greater community, delivering much-needed footwear to over 75 charities across the country.

We accept new and unworn footwear for men, women and kids. Because our annual shoe drive is in the fall months our most immediate needs are for closed-shoe and winter boots to help people get through the Canadian winter season.

Do you have footwear to donate?

If you would like to donate to the 2024 Shoe Drive please reach out to us here.

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Tax Receipts
- an official income tax receipt will be issued for the total value, if required, with the following stipulation:

Please note that SINCE 2011, all donations of footwear valued at more than $1,000, and for which a tax receipt is required, will be subject to an independent evaluation. Fair Market Value (FMV) is described by Revenue Canada as “the highest price obtainable in an open and unrestricted market between informed and prudent parties, acting at arm’s length, under no compulsion to act, expressed in terms of money, or money’s worth.